Sunday, June 2, 2013

A thousand days

I guess I've been away from poker blogging for around 3/4 years, and for someone who has had more than one poker blog, and who posted so much, that is a long time. The title of this post is "A thousand days", because even though it's probably been longer than that since I've blogged, it sounds good, and it's my blog!

So, poker and me? What have I been doing?

Well for a start I now have a proper job for the first time in over ten years - back in banking, so my free time is a lot more limited than it used to be. Being a banker has led to a reduction in my poker playing, and to be fair I've had weeks and weeks where I hadn't even thought about it, let alone play it (and when you read "being a banker" if you immediately thought of a rhyming word beginning with W, you know what you can go and do...!).

I used to be a decent sit and go player, but I haven't played one of those for a long, long time - so my poker was solely the odd MTT (officially 119,715th in the world right now!!), but now I am having a proper crack at the cash game. I've had semi serious cracks  at it before, but my cash game suffered a lot, due to pulling the trigger a bit too early sometimes - a throwback to the sit n go games where top pair top kicker were absolutely GOLD (always believe in your soul, you've got the power to know, your indestructible.... Always believe in....)

But I think I got the hang of it now - kinda and I'm doing OK.

So here is hoping to a long and sustained career of cash play, a long and sustained career of blogging again, and a long and sustained career of coming up against the absolutely shittest opponents I can find, as that will make it really easy for me. Some people want to play the best.... Bollocks to that, I want to find the worst...

So this blog.. What will be on it? A bit of strategy, a lot of piss taking about some of my opponents, a bit of non poker chat, a lot of piss taking about myself, and hopefully (cue the Hollywood music) a tale of a young man who has taken up a journey to become the best that he can be in a volatile world...
OK, a middle aged bloke wanting to make a quid or two doing something he loves.

So, me... I live in a house surrounded by females - every man's fantasy! A little bit like Hugh Hefner actually, although instead of bunny girls I have a wife and two girls (one 9 going on 15, one 6 who is officially a lunatic). I drive a Suzuki Liana (don't google it, you'll waste 3 seconds of your life), I have less hair than I did, but still get mistaken for Brad Pitt daily - I wear lots of blue, love Chicken and Mushroom soup, and once came second in a fancy dress contest dressed as a bumble bee (and yes I still hate the kid in the great Honey Monster outfit who won - lucky bastard!).

Here's a quick taste of some of the shit I will have to put up with....

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